The Eugene Halliday Podcast
Eugene Halliday (1911–1987) was a British artist, writer and teacher. Possessing a profound understanding of philosophy, religion and the science of his day, he published 15 books and gave over 250 recorded talks. Much of his work centred on his interpretation of the esoteric ideas behind religion. The purpose of this podcast is to share Halliday’s teachings.
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Episode 39 - Levels of Being
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, circa 1960.
Eugene explains the five (5) levels of being, specifically:
1. Mineral 2. Plant 3. Animal 4. Empirical Man 5. Logical Man
A transcript is available at
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Episode 38 - First Love
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Talk given at Parklands (Manchester, UK) on 25th May 1980.
"I have been asked to talk about a very delicate subject, of a personal nature, and you know I dislike talking about personal things unless I can make a macrocosmic reference, so I shall universalise the problem. It is the problem raised, by falling in love for the first time."
A transcript is available at
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Episode 37 - ABC of Relations
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, circa 1960.
'A' equals "The Absolute', meaning that which IS when all else is 'sol'd away'. 'A' is infinite.
'B' represents closure, the relative. 'B' is finite.
Whenever we talk about 'being' we are talking about closure; when we talk about 'non-being' we are talking about the Absolute. From 'A' to 'B' there is a fall. The 'Fall' is always from the Absolute to the Relative; from the infinite to the finite.
What emerges after 'A' and 'B'? In the case of English, we get 'C' and in the case of Hebrew we get a 'hard G'. This refers to the solidification or substantialisation of that which is bound.
Eugene describes the relation between these concepts.
A transcript is available at
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Episode 36 - Cyclic Law
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, circa 1960s.
Existence is governed by cyclic law.
We are born, we live, we die. The sun rises, the sun sets. The seasons progress.
"If you try to hold an idea in your mind you will find that this idea will disappear very shortly. If you think it has gone forever you may become depressed. If you know cyclic law you can expect to see it again later."
"There is an old Chinese saying that says 'if it is winter think about summer, if it is spring think about autumn'. Now this is a kind of trick, a psychological device, to help you to conquer cyclic law."
However, attempting to do this for a period of time results in tiring. When tired, we lapse and forget.
Rather than becoming depressed about what we feel is an apparent lack of progress, we must remember that we are not training for time; we are using time to train for eternity.
A transcript is available at
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Episode 35 - Heavenly Jerusalem
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Talk given at Parklands (Manchester, UK) on 27th November 1977.
What is meant by Heavenly Jerusalem?
" is a peculiar city, it is a city that needs no light of sun or moon, for the light of it is constituted by the Glory of God and the Light of the Lamb, His Son, so that already we have a definition. What we are looking for, what we hope to develop into is a being that needs no external light. We don’t need an external sun, we don’t need an external spotlight, we don’t need an external moon, we don’t need external stars. Our goal is that our light shall be inside. Here is your Heavenly Jerusalem...".
How are we to build this Heavenly Jerusalem?
"What has happened to every great civilisation that has established its bricks one on top of the other so securely that it has not needed to attend to them?
It has fallen down.
It actually dies in the middle of its greatness because it begins to rest on its laurels. It stops the necessary striving to transcend its own previous creation and as soon as you stop the movement to transcendence of going beyond your own design, you are already dead. It is only a matter of three hundred years and you will really fall over. Rome was dead three hundred years earlier than it showed itself because it had begun to rest on a concept that was built originally by man."
Eugene discusses the process whereby we can develop all aspects of being and realise the Heavenly Jerusalem, the city of God, within.
A transcript is available at
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Episode 34 - Hierarchy
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, on 4th July 1963.
"Considering the mechanism of social hierarchy, the analogy has been made with the behaviour of lumps of coal in a bucket, where it could be observed that on shaking the bucket, large lumps of coal rose to the surface due to the smaller pieces falling down. This poses the question as to why some people are large lumps and others, small chips. This could lead to a fatalistic conclusion. What is the true position?"
Eugene discusses the dynamics of hierarchy.
A transcript is available at
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Episode 33 - Church and State
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, circa 1960s.
"Now church...means assembly. Now this assembly of individuals is for the many who feel not strong enough to stand alone. When they go into this church they participate, and therefore declare themselves a part in the ceremony. They are apart from the people who don’t go in, but they are a part of people who do go in."
"Outside us we have men making propaganda, acting continuously upon us, and declaring that we, and they mean our body, belong to an organisation — trade union, static church or whatever it is — and that they are requiring us to go into that thing and join…at the body level. And the state organises itself a church, and gets people to belong to it, because when it gets people to belong it can manipulate them. Remember the church is the left arm of the state...".
But, we are not merely a body; we have inside ourselves immanent spirit. By identifying with this immanent spirit, which is essentially creative, we can actively put ourselves in resistant situations to awaken our volitional urge and enable our further development.
A transcript is available at
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Episode 32 - Ancestral Influence
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, circa 1960s.
Eugene discusses the biology of human reproduction and what it means for the transmission of information from generation to generation.
"...all multiplication of biological elements is by division. The cell divides in order to multiply. Now this same thing that you can observe under the microscope in a monocelled animal occurs in the multiplication of human beings; only, the mode of doing it is rather less obvious. You get under the microscope a monocell and watch it long enough, you will actually see the thing goes through a process of division. It has inside it a little nuclear spot, the intelligence. This is observed to behave in a peculiar way and then to divide itself into two centres and then various processes take place between the two centres and it builds a wall up. And then it pinches where the wall is and gradually brings itself into a state where it can sever itself into two beings. And that’s the basic method of multiplication by division."
"The implications of this in religion and philosophy are tremendous, because it means that none of us actually start life with the blank tablet that some thinkers assume. The tabula rasa, the blank tablet of certain philosophical schools is just a pure abstraction ... it just never did exist."
A transcript is available at
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Episode 31 - God and the Devil
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, on 16th February 1961.
"At no point in Christian history has this view, namely the view of the identity, absolutely, of God and the Devil, been seriously propounded or gained even limited acceptance, and this despite the earnest thinking of many great minds. This view has not been seriously propounded. The reason for it not being seriously propounded is simply because it is unfit for publication."
That's right; deemed not fit for consumption by the general public. But you, dear listener, are not merely a member of the public, and are therefore fit to tune in to this discussion.
A transcript is available at
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Episode 30 - Genius
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Talk given in Liverpool, UK, circa 1960.
"How is it that we're all so clever, considering that we never do anything to deserve it? Or more specifically, if a genius is born, a sort of Mozart, and is playing brilliantly at four and composing music, how does all this information get into him or through him?
A transcript is available at
Who was Eugene Halliday?
Eugene Halliday (1911–1987) was a British artist, writer and teacher. For a large part of his life he lived and taught in Manchester, running groups and giving guidance and personal tuition to a large number of interested people. Possessing a profound understanding of philosophy, religion and the science of his day, he published 15 books and gave over 250 recorded talks.
Much of his work centred on his interpretation of the esoteric ideas behind religion. Halliday gave the term “absolute sentient power” to what we would call God and said that sentience and thus consciousness was an inherent quality of this power and by extension of all beings. Beings are modalities of this power, which we feel as a field of energy.
He believed that the goal and purpose of life is to grow towards an awareness of our true nature, which is not different from this field and the absolute sentient power itself. This consciousness he called reflexive self-consciousness. The force which calls and drives beings to work is Love – which he defined as “a will to work for the development of the potentialities of all beings.” He valued individuality and encouraged others to discover their own valid way to reveal reflexivity to themselves.
The purpose of this podcast is to share Halliday’s teachings.
Note - Additional talks and transcripts are available at